Progress means simplifying, not complicating - Bruno Munari (1907-1998) FABIT Logo
Features List
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Anti Virus file scannerNightly Anti-Virus scans
Anti-Virus & Anti-Spam email filterScans all incoming email for spam and viruses
• Authenticated Email SendingSending emails from anywhere.
Ever seen messages like: "Relaying Denied" or "Sorry, that domain isn't on my list of allowed domains"? This is because most ISP email servers are configured to only accept outgoing emails from known locations, so if you go somewhere, and try and send emails, your existing server will reject the message. By allowing authenticated email sending, we can allow the server to accept the message and pass it on for you. - This feature is part of the Email Server Module and was added to all our systems on 31st March 2006.
Automatic Email ArchiveEmail retention for compliance requirements
CalDAV ServerCalendaring Server
CardDAV ServerAddress Book Server
Company ManualWiki-based company documention system
Email EncryptionOportunistic encryption of incoming emails
Encypted dataEncypted file storage
Enhanced WebmailAlternative webmail system with enhanced features
File PermissionsSecure filing areas with group permissions
Learning Spam FilterSelf improving spam detection system
Mailing ListsSelf managed mailing lists
Offsite BackupRemote backup system
OpenVPNRemote Access via OpenVPN
Out Of OfficeUnattended "Out Of Office" replies
Password ChangeWeb based password changing
PDF Virtual PrinterCentralised PDF Printer
PPtP VPNRemote access via Microsoft PPtP VPN
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Recycle BinServer Recycle Bin
Redundant Hard DrivesMirrored hard drives on all servers
Roaming ProfilesSupport for Windows' "Hot Desking" system
Server Side email rulesAdvance server-based email filtered rules
Shared Address BookLDAP based address book
Shared CalendarAn iCal based system that easily allows you to share your diary.
Shared CD/DVD driveUsing the server's CD/DVD drive from a workstation
Shared Email FoldersEasy access to special mailboxes
Spam Source blacklistingOur servers will refuse to accept email from known sources of spam mail
Virtual MachineServer based virtual machines
Web File BrowserWeb based remote access to files
Web MailWeb based access to your emails
WebDAV file browserRemote access using WebDAV
WikiWiki software for company manual
WINMAIL.DAT attachment decoderYTNEF filter to decode WINMAIL.DAT email attachments